Saturday, March 5, 2011


i used to be an English teacher at a secondary school in Terengganu. i learned when i was there. just now i saw a few pictures uploaded by my colleague there. he is the only male English teacher there. i won,t see anything like this anymore since i'm not teaching secondary school anymore. those pictures remind me when i was at that school. marking the answer scripts sometimes can make me stress, laugh or feel tooooooo confused. juz look at these pictures, my students were worse than this

this is how to spell english
perhaps this student mean is british english
english + british = inggerish

ask the teacher?
maybe what this student meant was they'll go to ask teacher questions during the breaks

this student start his essay with DUDE and end his essay by giving salam.

my heart feel heartbeat OR i can feel my heartbeat

the handwriting is too small
i will need a magnifying glass to read this

pullution to replace pollution and pookhing to replace poaching
i'm really sure that the correct spelling were given in the article given

stress cikgu2 tu
apapun selamat menanda kertas yek
my turn will be next week
for the 1st time
will it be something like above??? <3>

love and faith
cik patunghujan


Teacher Maria said...

Haha.. Don't surprise to see their answers!

AxraZa said...

ahahaha...i wonder how my teacher felt when they marked my paper ;p

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

teacher maria~can't wait to see their answers. maybe u can mark it for me n i'll do the same with ur objective papers.hhehehee

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

axraza~same with me coz i know i was a good sentence creator during my school time. feel sorry for my teachers