Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a tribute to my housemates

komen azira tentang seseorang
dia mcm bawang
dikopek kopek selapis-lapis
akhir sekali mata kite yang pedih
then menangis

we cannot expect the same thing as what we see on that person

kata daa pula
semakin kita membuka aib org yg belum tentu kebenarannya
semakin akan terlihat lah kebodohan kita...



pandanglah dengan mata hati..bukan sebaliknya.setiap makhluk bernama manusia tidak sempurna.Kita menangis kerana kita terlalu aim orang boleh jadi sempurna mcm kita mahu,sedangkan kita tidak pernah memberikan yang terbaik sbb kekurangan yang ada pada kita.renung-renungkan!! =)

AxraZa said...

ashira zumi, more often than not..we hv no expectation towards ppl. and hoping that things will be allright. but then, unknown to us, ppl do expect smthg frm us. khilaf la kira..wallahu'alam.

tumpanglalu said...
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patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

it is difficult when we speak about other things n others came to say that we speak about things that they thought of...

tumpanglalu said...

salam again...

ok then, after i myself clear my thought, i’ve had deleted my previous comment. it seems that it is not ok for me to mencelah here with those kind of thought. never mind... have a good time with your own thought.
