Wednesday, December 8, 2010


yup i have a terrible toothache!!!!!!!!
it happened since weeks ago
it can't be describe in words
what can i say is, it like something crawling inside your gums,
kicking here n there n laughing at u
gosh!!! i'm dying

aku selalu dengar orang kata
sakit yang paling menyakitkan ialah saat sakaratulmaut
kedua saat seorang wanita melahirkan anak
dan yang ketiga ialah sakit gigi
yang seterusnya aku x boleh nk conlude snn byk pendapat sgt
so stop sampai no 3 jek
aku nk bercakap pasal no 3 tu jek
i am suffering

banyak cadangan yang aku buat utk mengurangkan atau menghilangkan terus sakit tuh

kumur air garam?
xtau lah berapa byk air garam aku kumur
siap tertelan lg
'pedor' lidahku
tp x juga berkurangan sakit tuh
ada jgk cakap kunyah bunga cengkih
dh berbunga-bunga aku kunyah
ubat gigi aku pn perisa bunga cengkih tau
tp x berkesan jgk!!

last resort???

jumpa dentist laaa
apa lg kn
konon2 leh laa mengurangkan kesakitan nih

unfortunately, i hate dentist too much
correction, i hate to see dentist
i have lots of bad experience with them
since my primary school

seeing a dentist will be the last thing i will do when i had toothache
bad thing happened
after the failure of trying the previous methods, i need to see the dentist
and i did
a female dentist
terrible experience
she said that there is problem with my tooth
then she need to take out one of it
adoiii cabut gigi
the consequences are ; non-stop bleeding until this moment, and more painful moments happened
YA ALLAH i can't bear it anymore...

p/s: sakit gigi pun dh tak boleh tahan, cmne sakit nk mati yek

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