Tuesday, December 21, 2010

apa mahuku

today i've been proposed by someone
he gave me i think adequate time to think
due to his proposal, i found out that actually i dont have the heart yet to get married
or is that because he wasn't my soul mate

and now i'm wondering what i want and what i'm looking for...


AxraZa said...

sit back n relax..if he's the one..u just knew it. jgn pening kepala.

Ahlami said...

Salam Kak faizah,

Istikhoroh la akak :)
insyaAllah ape je keputusan is the best. we choose the best. Allah will always handle the rest :)

Shu said...

Istiqarah ... that the best. Dulu pun su buat istiqarah sblm jumpa zul, then wallahualam, su mimpi ular besar giler datang patuk su..but then dalam masa tu, ada seorang lelaki yang datang dengan kapak nak bunuh ular besar gabak tu.. then only few months afta that, zul kenal su.. by that time, hati ini dgn sendiri berkata : yes, he is the one.

Istiqarah tau fae...

Shu said...

tanya hati dan mata anda..mata tu bukan fasal sbb hensem ke apa..tapi fasal pemahaman anda terhadap fikirannya dan pemahaman nya terhadap fikiran anda setiap kali bertentangan.. ikhlas nasihat daripada budak suliana.
[yang baru cecah 25 tahun 3 hari ]

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

tq semua... :)