Wednesday, May 27, 2009


walaupun exam pertengahan tahu sek menengah sedang berlansung, aku susah nk tgk muka exam fever di kalangan student aku
mostly muka main2 yg langsung tak kisah nk exam
as result, on examination day, try all da effort to cheat in exam
the worst thing is, they not even know how
to cheat wisely...
dh laa meniru, secara terang-terangan lak...
tak ke 2 kali bodoh namanye......

aku dh siap tanda kertas exam form 4 n 5. most of them are the failure
maybe they not good in english
but they not following my advice on how to get mark in examination.
maybe they cannot get high marks
but at least they will be able to get some mark instead of ZERO!!!!!
they do not try to have any effort to get marks
this is da problem of students nowadays
they dont want to study actually
they claim the subject make them bored
but they cant even score in their favourite subject
english is student's most dislike subject.
but that wasnt an excuse not to learn
i started from zero before i achive this level!!!!!


wan shah said... jdk cgu nmpk...hehee :)

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

bese jek, najmah ni sape ek?