Friday, June 26, 2015


If I'd felt your touch
If I'd told you my feelings
Would I have just now
Been reminded of my tears?
The signs from my heart are in disarray
Shifting from one end to the other, I laugh at myself
Without being able to get them to agree
I'd spent the passing day
Reality starts to spin away from here
The closer it comes, the farther it seems
Swaying back and forth like the sea
If you're swimming in it too
Surely we'll meet in the time of destiny
Wrapping your fingers in mine, I'll tell you
Of the frailty of life, and it's beauty
Even if this world were to end
When I think of you
When I can feel you closer...
Even though I've known
These tears for so long
I love you, I really love you; but with just those words
The closer it comes, the farther it seems
Though my love is still swaying
When I hold you tight
When I can feel you closer...
Even though I've known

These tears for so long

i listened to this song for years before i actually  became exactly like one. 
it was easy for me to say sayonara
while  deep inside me, i never let you go...
but still, i never stop wishing you the best

take care  my mr  hata

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