Monday, August 12, 2013

AUgust 2000- AUgust 2013 SO LONG

I met him 13 years ago
he was my 1st love n still do
I waited for 11 years for him to open his heart for me
I waited too long
It is the time for me to let him go and let new love to come in
I hope he will meet the better person he search for
I hope my husband to be will appreciate me and love me as much as i love him
to my dear husband to be, I'm here waiting for you...
I hope you will come to me at the right time ASAP...

dear you,
thank you for those memories that I had with you
I really appreciate all those feeling that I felt when I was 'with' you
i think it is time for me to step out from your life
it is a huge step for me
but i think i'll help you a lot by doing this
i wish for all happiness to come to you.
my dear you, u might not see me anymore
coz i wont disturb your life anymore even my heart wanted to
so long my dear you...
all I want you to know, I LOVE YOU MY DEAR YOU...

Aku telah lelah mengikuti
Semua langkah kakimu
Dan berharap bisa memilikimu

Berbagai cara telah aku lakukan
Untuk hidupmu
Hingga aku mengorbankan hidupku

Buka hatimu
Bukalah sedikit untukku
Sehingga diriku
Bisa memilikimu

Berbagai cara telah aku lakukan
Untuk hidupmu
Hingga aku mengorbankan hidupku


Buka hatimu
Bukalah sedikit untukku
Sehingga diriku
Bisa memilikimu

Betapa sakitnya
Betepa perihnya hatiku
Selalu dirimu tak menganggap ku ada


AxraZa said...

did u see it in mine?

patunghujan a.k.a cik teruterubozu said...

yes i do kakak
i hope both of us will be strong enough to go through everything