Saturday, July 25, 2009

another wedding ceremony -milah n eddy

hello there
today is 25th july cousin get married today

i just have another comment about people in our society
i know that it wasnt a problem here at my place but other
place as well
the topic that i want to share is the attitude of certain people who love to give orders
but refuse to it by herself or himself
all what they did is giving or
you do this, you do this you do thing
acting like they are the only person who knew what to do.
i really sick of people like this
but the reality is, there are lots of people like this!
there was 2 persons of this kind at my uncle during the pereparation of the wedding
1 of them keep claiming that she do not know to d all kind of works.the most funny thing is she claims she do not know how to fry dried fish.hahahahaha
dont u think it is funny?
another 1 claim she can do knew to do everything, but in other hand, she keeps ordering us to do all of that kind of things.
dont she sound stupid?
my solution to this problem?
i just ignore both of them!hahahahahaha
i keep doing on my work
the work that need only 1 person to do it = boiling eggs for bunga telur n souvenir for the guest
it also a new experience for me as a new task given to me, i need to prepare the food for "makan beradap". jd bidan terjun laaa....
prepare doest not mean only prepare but means i need to cook
it is questinable whether i inherit my father's ability to cook
therefore i just try my best
woke up as early as 4.00 am to prepare al of these...
you can refer to the pictures below
does it too bad?

1 comment:

jidah said...

wah kakak!! pandainye masak!!!!! looks yummy!!!!!!!!