Saturday, February 9, 2013

KAN UNTUNG ADA MADU...(welcoming my new kitties)

baru2 ni kedua2 ekor kucing betina kt rumah sy kt kg tu beranak selang seminggu aje. jibah dgn 2 ekor anak n rosmah dgn 4 ekor anak. it happened to be kami percaya anak2 ni dari bapak yg sama. so kami buat spekulasi jibaah n rosmah ni bermadu(jibah bini muda), sebab tu depa ni xleh jumpa lansung, mesti nk gaduh.

miracle happened bila dua2 ni dh beranak pada masa yg sama. jibaah ni xde laa motherly sgt. x reti pn nk susukan anak dia. nasib baik laa ada si madu a.k.a rosmah yg sudi susukan anak2 jibah. 
kn untung ada madu... skrg ni pn, bila rosmah xde, jibaah pulak susukan anak2. tp hubungan mereka berdua ni masih lg x baik. masih lg gaduh.

so moral of the story bagi yg bermadu, bakal bermadu or bakal dimadukan :
1) sharing is caring, atleast ringan beban tu bilas tugas dibahagi sama rata. (jibah n rosmah sama2 jaga anak)
2) mak2 nk gaduh xpe. tp jgn bg kurg kasih syg kt ank, jgn jadikan anak mangsa.
3) jgn abaikan laki (ni kali kedua rosmah beranak dr bapak kucing yg sama,masih menjalankan tanggungjawab dgn laki wlu dimadukan)
4) jgn kedekut kasih syg.

sudah cukup cukup sudah. entah hape2 aku mngarut ni. cuma nk ckpnye suka dgn sikap kucing2 aku ni. jom tgk gambar je laa

mama rosmah

mummy jibaah

fav act ~tidur lidah terjelir

The Mask Day

let's be friend, that is the topic for today. for language, we're going to make a mask. for my class, i chose Andy Ant.
mcm biasa, tice provide gambar, anak2 bwk barg2 lain yg sepatutnye...
jom kite tgk apa yg jadi

kena belajar sapu gam guna tangan, geli laa tice

colouring in progress

subsidi gam dr tice

sy warna mcm ni ok?

andy yg dh cacat sungutnye

ni tice punye

ok x tice?

warna warna warna

lambatnye gam sy kering

kenapalaa kena gam
thats all for mask class. nti bwt benda lain lak.

love and faith,
cik patunghujan

Clay Day at SKKW

teaching KSSR meas u're going to do lots of activities that u rarely do when u're teaching KBSR. i'm not saying KBSR not fun at all, it just lack of it. but then still, KSSR makes the teacher squeezes their sweat to achieve the objectives. and for me, i just would like to enjoy the process of teaching and learning...

last year i taught only 1 Setia but this year, i'm teaching 1 Amanah which i am the home teacher and 1 Ikhlas. my pupils this year totally different from last year. last year they were kind of "yes teacher" to everything but this will cause me a lot of 'assobru minal iman'.. <3 p="">
but still, i love my pupils just the way they are. the fun learning will be in progress. and for this post i just wanna share what we did during language art for first topic.

it is clay time. we're supposed to form few alphabets form the clay. it was three continuous periods, so this is what happened during the class. just let the pictures tell you...

tice, this is a rose

a big fish by kimie

my purple turttle

tice pose ngada2 (nk tayang bunga aje)

's' 'a' 't' 'p'  - korg sebut laa sendiri bunyi huruf tu

ni kwan baik tice yg selalu teman bila tice stay back kt school

arghhhh letih buat ni

harith with his pinky snail


yaa it is me, tice norfaa

my big long yellow snake

a red snake from me tice

these are our  clay products

noodles, pizza & coil

it is hard to roll on paper tice.
but it will save ur table from disaster stain as claimed by 1 of ur tice

scary snake

tice, this is my big snake and my small-small snakes

i love teaching and it is part of my learning process. i want to be a better teacher day by day....

p/s : dh lama x update blog ni sbb xthu nk update apa...

love and faith,
cik patunghujan