Sunday, August 24, 2014

My new obsession (snow globes)

sekarang saye sgt suke benda ni...
klu g kedai hadiah musti mata akn cari benda ni...
tp setakat tgk je laa dulu...

saye punye aim, saye nk kumpul snow globes ni dr pelbagai negara
sape2 nk pegi overseas tu, boleh x tolong belikan benda ni utk saye?
cheq bayaqlaaa

ni dr paris

 p/s: sape sudi nk tolong beli time travel tu, sila inform ye by commenting this post.tq.

1 Ikhlas

dh hujung tahun baru nk story pasal anak2 tahun ni...
for this year, these are my of 38 pumpkins in my class with equal number.

p/s: anak2 mummy jgn nakal ye, nti mummy babap montot tuh <3 br="">

Pondok Kecil Saya

after years of staying  here in Sepang, I finally decided to buy a house and perhaps settle down here.
i'm in progress to buy a a small cute double storey house. the price is quite high but i think the cheapest that i can get here. still, it will effect my financial planning, but i'm very sure it is good for my future.

lepas ni terpaksalaa sy buat kerja sampingan utk menambah pendapatan. ada apa2 cadangan x?

that my tiny house to be

at this moment, my loan still in progress. i hope Allah will ease my path. syukran Ya Allah for this blessing <3 br="">


it did ni dh bersawang...cik patung dh lama mendiamkan diri.
byk benda berlaku pada cik patung dlm masa setahun ni.
byk benda nk adopt n adapt.
alhamdulillah, i'm still in one piece...
so my dearest blog, i'll return to clear all the web; perhaps. hehehehe

skrg cik patung duk temankan bob dylan bertukang. so cik patung tolong tukangkan komputer dia nih...
late nite mission.