Friday, June 26, 2015


If I'd felt your touch
If I'd told you my feelings
Would I have just now
Been reminded of my tears?
The signs from my heart are in disarray
Shifting from one end to the other, I laugh at myself
Without being able to get them to agree
I'd spent the passing day
Reality starts to spin away from here
The closer it comes, the farther it seems
Swaying back and forth like the sea
If you're swimming in it too
Surely we'll meet in the time of destiny
Wrapping your fingers in mine, I'll tell you
Of the frailty of life, and it's beauty
Even if this world were to end
When I think of you
When I can feel you closer...
Even though I've known
These tears for so long
I love you, I really love you; but with just those words
The closer it comes, the farther it seems
Though my love is still swaying
When I hold you tight
When I can feel you closer...
Even though I've known

These tears for so long

i listened to this song for years before i actually  became exactly like one. 
it was easy for me to say sayonara
while  deep inside me, i never let you go...
but still, i never stop wishing you the best

take care  my mr  hata

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bila Cik Patung Masuk Dapur : Roti Daging Berkeju

Hye olz!!!
Ni minggu lepas punye cerita.mulut ni teringin sgt nk mkn benda alah cik patung pn rujuk pada resepi yg kwn cik patung share kt fb dia.godek2 punye godek dlm peti tu ada barang yg ada ada barang yg xde. Tp sbb dh nekad nk buat, cik patung alter je sesuka hati.
Ok, jom kite intai caranye....

Okay, ni resepinye:

v Sos cendawan takde, so cik patung rembat sos spagheti yg ada cendawan
v Daging cincang xde, cik patung guna daging burger n hancurkan
v Sayur campur x letak sbb xde stok dlm peti
v Cili benggala pun yillek.hehhe
v Guna keju keping je semua

Ni cara-cara nk buat. Cik patung ikut je step dia.

Ni laaa hasilnye. Walaupun menderhaka pada tuan tanah dan rupa tak semenggah, tp Alhamdulillah rasanye masih lg marbelesss. Sila laa mengkeme semua mencuba ye.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Loveliest Thing

someone used to tell me this <3 font="">

"The Loveliest Thing"

To me you are the loveliest thing I've seen all day
You can't take that away
No, you can't take that away
All my life, I wondered why it couldn't be this way
That was up until today
Oh it had to be this way

Today, wait until the morning comes
Before you slip away
Without permission
Without suspicion
Without permission given

You seem to have a friendlier smile than all the rest
Well I looked and you were best
Yeah I've looked at all the rest
You can't imagine passionate words that I would say
If only you would stay
Oh you know you gotta stay

Today, wait until the morning comes
Before you slip away
Without permission
Without suspicion
Without permission given

You used to be and early bird
But how was I to know you would leave without shedding a tear
I only want to love you
I'll make a wish and suddenly I'm glad that I have you here
Oh I'm glad I have you here

To me you are the loveliest thing I've seen all day
And you can't take that away
No, you can't take that away
All my life, I wondered why it couldn't be this way
That was up until today
Yeah, it had to be this way

Today, wait until the morning comes
Before you slip away, today
Before you slip away
Without permission
Without suspicion
Without permission given to you, ah

Puding Kastard Jagung

hari ni masih lagi cuti sempena hari raya Aidiladha. takde benda nk buat. sape suruh tak balik kampung kan. tp hikmahnye aku dapat laa recharge balik tenaga yg hilang sepanjang 2 minggu lepas. bagi sesetengah org nampak benda yg aku buat tu kecik aje tp for those yg faham dan lalui sendiri mesti faham..
bangun tido hari ni lepas makan pasta semalam, datanglaa ilham utk saye buat kuih utk perut boooncit saye.

Pilihan menu saya hri ni saya cilok dari resepi yg kwn sy share kt fb dia. Meh nk copy paste dri fb dia. Camni kekdahnye :

Puding Kastard Jagung

Bahan-bahan :

1 tin jagung jenis creamy
1 tin susu cair
3 cawan air
1 1/2 cawan gula pasir ( klu tak suka manis sgt, boleh letak 1 1/4 cawan)
1 1/2 cawan tepung kastard
Secubit garam

Cara Membuatnya :

1. Bancuh tepung kastard dengan air hingga sebati.
2. Masukkan bahan-bahan yang lain dan gaulkan sebati. Masak puding dengan menggunakan api yang kecil hingga masak. Puding perlu dikacau selalu untuk mengelakkannya dari bergentel.
3. Masukkan puding yang telah masak ke dalam loyang dan sejukkan. Siap..!!

Selamat Mencuba..!!

Tu dia resepi dia. Tp versi aku jadi macam kt bawah ni.ok laa kn utk 1st trial.aku memg fail bab kueh mueh ni. Korg cuba laa jugak  ye.

tgk nti lain kali resepi apa lak aku nk try...

Salam Aidiladha Dari Perantauan

Salam Aidiladha semua.(patutnte saye post ni semalam).
tahun ni saya beraya sorg2 sekali lagi di perantauan. perantauan laa sangat. sepang je pun. gatal tak balik kg.
bangun pagi2 raya ni saya pn mula laa ketuk periuk kuali saya kt dapur. klu kt kg bila ayah takde, saye laa tukang ketuk kuali periuk kt dapur rumah. tp ni saye tak balik, takpelaa ada adik2 kesayangan yg boleh ambik alih tugas tu.lagipun ada org kate saya masak 2 kali setahun aje. entah apalaa saye melalut ni.

ok, menu saye pagi raye ni ialah...

hahahahha bukan nasi kerabu.over kot berhidang sampai macam hidangan kak fida yg raya kt london.
aku masak yg kt bawah ni aje. pasta je.hehehhe.over tak? org london pn x makan pasta.

sekian siaran hri raya.hehehehehe

Monday, September 1, 2014

Why did you become so rude

Saya ckup x faham dgn org yg suka potong barisan kt traffic light.
Kite dh beratur lama,tiba2 sesuka hti dia nk potong dari tepi.bagi saye,org mcm ni dh dikategorikan sbg ZALIM krn mengambil apa yg bukan hak dia.
Cuba nk husnuzon yg dia ada emergency,tp pada ke tingkahnye,tak lansung!
Setiap kali awk potong line org,awk ingat laa beapa ramai yg sumpah awk.moga hidup awk tu akan berkat sampai akhirat.

Mode:menyampah tgk org yg xde perasaan bersalah lnsung.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My new obsession (snow globes)

sekarang saye sgt suke benda ni...
klu g kedai hadiah musti mata akn cari benda ni...
tp setakat tgk je laa dulu...

saye punye aim, saye nk kumpul snow globes ni dr pelbagai negara
sape2 nk pegi overseas tu, boleh x tolong belikan benda ni utk saye?
cheq bayaqlaaa

ni dr paris

 p/s: sape sudi nk tolong beli time travel tu, sila inform ye by commenting this post.tq.